Ignatian Reflections

16 November 2023

Written by Jacob Boddicker S.J. | Nov 16, 2023 5:00:00 AM

Thursday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

In our day the Internet brings us news from all over the world in an instant. Whenever there is a major disaster, a conflict, or other dramatic event, we know about it almost in an instant, and can receive live updates on occasion. With the Internet comes also constant communication and commentary, and with every major event comes also the prophets of doom.

But this is nothing new; even in the days of Christopher Columbus were those declaring that the world would end, and Christ would return in 1500. When the year 1000 neared, all of Christendom braced for the Second Coming, but it did not come. In some of St. Paul’s earlier writings it seems that the early Christians believed Christ’s return would be imminent.

In our Gospel today, however, Jesus assures us that we will not need some online oracle pulling together obscure prophecies from this apparition and that anonymous nun’s diary. The second coming of Jesus will be like lightning flashing in the sky: it will be absolutely clear and obvious. We have but to live prepared for that day: how so?

You know when Jesus will come to you next in the Blessed Sacrament: you know when your parish has Mass. Live in such a way—with prayer, charitable works, and regular confession—that you are able to receive the Eucharist whenever you attend Mass. If you are prepared for communion with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, you are prepared to meet Him whenever He comes: you need not be afraid.