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Ulises Covarrubias S.J.May 17, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

17 May 2024

Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter

In today’s gospel, Peter receives a second calling to follow Christ after having proclaimed his love for the Lord three times. This is often interpreted as a form of reconciliation in view of the three times Peter denied Jesus at the time of his passion.

“When you were younger, you used to dress yourself and go where you wanted; but when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” The words of Jesus to Peter are meant to evoke the disciple’s martyrdom, but they can just as well speak of the reality of aging, in which we are often faced with new challenges that undermine our autonomy. Diminishing energy, reduced abilities, increased dependence on others, if we’re so lucky to have someone there, are not easy things to accept. Yet even then, it is an opportunity for us to answer the call of Jesus to follow him. Is it more challenging to follow the Lord when we are youthful, capable, and independent? I do not know, but every stage of life is a call for humility, acceptance, and gratitude. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. And though we may live long lives, the conditions in which we will live them is unknown. Like Peter, may we accept the love of Christ and the call to follow him, which renews itself each and every day.