Ignatian Reflections

18 August 2023

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Aug 18, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Friday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel, a Pharisee poses a question to Jesus about marriage. His weighty answer has had a far-reaching effect on the formation and unique character of Western society, although it is ignored in woke society today.

Jesus repeats what is found in the Old Testament. Man and woman were created differently, although complementary, called to participate in the same life, united by mutual love to create a family. He does not minimize the difficulties in such a union because of selfishness and “hardness of heart”, but asserts the permanency of the contract, the “until death do us part” element.

Later, alone with the apostles, he becomes clearer by emphasizing the that both marriage and committed celibacy are vocations, and grace is needed to be faithful to one’s commitment. It takes three to make a marriage, husband, wife and God. Communication between the three is essential, as it is between God and the committed celibate.

Resolve: Today I shall offer special prayers for those contemplating marriage and the celibate life, and especially for those who are experiencing difficulties in the commitment they have made. I will also pray that “hardness of heart” and woke ideology be better recognized and rejected in our society, particularly among the young.