The search for signs has always been a predominant aspect of the Christian community. There has always been a desire for some physical indication that our faith is on the right track. Eucharistic miracles, stories of incorrupt bodies, and near death experience provide intriguing indications of that what we believe is in case the fact. Signs, however, must be read with care and caution. If we reduce our faith to what is indicated by the sense world would we be acting in faith? The Catholic church holds that we can move towards an aspect of God’s existence by reason, but that the fullness of that knowledge comes by faith. Perhaps the greatest “sign” of our faith is the acts of charity and mercy that transcend the material laws of nature. If we look at human history, we can see that humanity has, at times, stepped out of the natural order, such as the law of survival of the fittest, and has moved with mercy—hardly a quality found in nature. This sign of compassion and love perhaps is the clearest indication that there is something beyond the simple natural order and it can be the greatest sign we can see.