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Richard Nichols S.J.Jul 18, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

18 July 2024

Thursday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Sometimes the evil spirit erects obstacles and sometimes he removes them.  For example, when someone is about to do some spiritual reading might the evil spirit might prompt him to realize that he forgot to reply to an e-mail, and to do the spiritual reading some other time.  Or someone struggling to ask forgiveness for some harm done might, at the prompting of the evil spirit, begin to second-guess the possibility of success and start questioning the need for such an uncomfortable conversation.  You see how the evil spirit erects obstacles.  The same spirit removes obstacles, too, when it suits him.  For example, if some poor soul is tempted to commit a sin, the evil spirit will make it easier, suggesting that everybody does it, and that giving in this one time is no big deal. 
The good spirit does the opposite of this.  He erects obstacles to sinning, for example, by pricking people’s consciences.  And he removes obstacles to doing good, for example, by inspiring respect for saints and heroes.  When Isaiah says “The way of the just is smooth; the path of the just you make level,” he is expressing the same idea.  It is the good spirit who opens a path for holiness, clears it of obstacles, marks it out, and summons us forward.             
So let us be aware of the actions of the different spirits in order to collaborate with the good spirit and oppose the evil spirit.  And may God grant us the grace to walk the smooth and level path, the narrow path that leads to life.