Ignatian Reflections

19 August 2023

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Aug 19, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Optional Memorial of Saint John Eudes, priest

Jesus was never condescending. Much less, in a society where children were not to be seen or heard, did he hide his affection for the little ones. He went out of his way to give them special recognition in order to emphasize that in an authentic Christian community everyone is accepted because, despite their sinfulness, all are brothers and sisters, children of God, the Father.

Read the accounts of Jesus life in the four Gospels and see that he was the model of simplicity and confidence in giving his love to others, particularly to the weak and the poor, and how receiving he was when their love was offered to him. Prayer is where I learn to know my inner self. It is also where I come to know that the Lord gives himself to me, weak and poor that I am, asking that I respond in kind.

This dynamic reflects the fixation a loving parent has for his or her child, and it also manifests love the child is able to receive from and give to his or her parent. It also symbolizes the love of the Almighty God and that of the imperfect human.

Resolve: Today I shall say prayers for those contemplating marriage and the celibate state. Also, for those whose marriage is troubled and for committed celibates, who waver in giving themselves completely to what they had earlier promised with joyful enthusiasm.