Ignatian Reflections

19 June 2023

Written by Jon Polce S.J. | Jun 19, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Monday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

Two things rise up from today’s Gospel for our prayer. The first is that Jesus places himself as the standard of love for the Christian. “You have heard it said” is a phrase that refers to the Scriptures and the law of Moses. This standard of action was not unjust or evil in the slightest, but Jesus desires to deepen how his followers love. So, he says to us, “but I say to you.” Jesus is setting himself up as the new authority of right action and conduct. This is a shocking statement which should permeate our prayer today. Jesus is telling his followers – you and I – that he is the new standard of action and of love. We are called, as Christians, to try and love from the example of Christ in the Scriptures, in the Church, and in our prayer. Love always needs an anchor. For Christians, the anchor of how we ought to love is Jesus.

            Secondly, for Christians, justice can never be enough. We are called to go further in charity and mercy. If we only strive for justice in our lives – giving to one what is owed – we will not be doing evil, but neither will we be loving with the same depth as God loved us. God does not treat us with justice when he redeems us but with mercy. Jesus asks us to go and do likewise to others.