Saturday of the Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time
In today's Gospel we see the theme of our call to holiness presented through the famous story of the talents. The master gives to each steward different talents. He asks only one thing, to steward the talents well. The first two stewards did just that and received their reward. the third steward gave into the poisonous attitude of comparing his allotment with others and acting from a place of fear and not trust.
Instead of focusing on stewarding the talent that was given to him, the unwise steward compared his poverty to others' apparent wealth and buried his talent away. How often can we do this in our lives with the gifts God has given us. Instead of using these gifts to the best of our ability, we are overcome by the meagerness of what we have and are stultified into inaction.
Our drive for holiness and Christ can be quickly cooled when we take our eyes off the giver of the talents and look only upon ourselves. Our fire for holiness passes by way of keeping our eyes focused on Christ and asking where we can use what he has given us to his greater glory. Let us pray for the grace to never lose sight of Christ so that we might never tire of serving others with the talents we have.