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Cornelius Buckley S.J.May 20, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

20 May 2024

Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church

The readings in today’s mass seem designed for us to consider certain mysteries that delve into how the Blessed Virgin is the mother of the Church.  However, I think we might back up to take a broader view to see more assuredly why she deserves this title.

Let’s start at the Annunciation where she received the Word of God in her immaculate heart, and then gave birth to the Creator of heaven and earth, preparing the birth of the Church. Later, from the cross, Christ, through the instrumentality of St. John, appointed her mother of all whom He would call to be born again in baptism as members of his mystical Body, the Church. Hence, her role, her title.

As Mother of the Church, she prays constantly to the Father “for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death”. Those in heaven and purgatory join their prayers with hers. We, in the Church Militant, are also invited to unite our supplications with hers and theirs, remembering especially those who consciously refuse to accept the invitation on the part of the Father to be members of Christ’s body.

Resolve: I shall offer an extra rosary this week to Our Lady for the needs of the Church throughout the world, but especially for those needs in our own country, dedicated as it is to her motherly care.