Ignatian Reflections

24 June 2023

Written by Jon Polce S.J. | Jun 24, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

Today we celebrate the Nativity of John the Baptist. This is one of only three nativities we celebrate in the liturgical calendar (along with Mary and Jesus). Normally, for a saint, the Church celebrates their death and thus their birth into heaven. But, for John the Baptist, we as a church celebrate his birth on earth as well.

One of the reasons for this liturgical feast is, of course, the role John played in salvation history. He was chosen to make straight the way before the Lord and to help prepare hearts to meet Christ.  

At his birth however, we are drawn to contemplate the great mercy of God before John’s great deeds. A double mercy shown to Elizabeth and to Zechariah. For Elizabeth, her barren womb was blessed with a child. For Zechariah, God loosened his silent tongue which had been barren since Elizabeth was pregnant. Elizabeth gave birth to John and Zechariah gave birth to praises of God and both, with John, were a living witness to God’s merciful love in the world. Before there are the great prophecies of John, before sinners are called back to repentance, there is mercy and joy and newness of life and love at the birth of John.  

On this feast of the nativity of John, let us draw to mind the great act of mercy John’s birth was for his family and how they were called to be witnesses to God’s saving grace in their life through their son. Let us ask the Lord to show us where in our lives he has granted us mercy and let us be like Elizabeth and Zechariah and not be afraid to sing out God’s praises for our own deliverance.