Ignatian Reflections

24 May 2024

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | May 24, 2024 4:00:00 AM

Friday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

 If Christ would have read the last part of his instruction given in today’s gospel at a Catholic college graduation ceremony this week, what would have been the reaction in the local media? Men and women different? Marriage is for life? There is such a thing as adultery?  Narrow, anti-DEI, anti-true-Christian thinking.

Granted, it is a silly suggestion, and yet our present culture upholds such dogmas and we are sometimes cowardly in combating them. St. James in the 1st readings gives advice that may encourage us to meet subtle challenges: “let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No,’ that you may not incur condemnation.” But let us pray that we be given the grace to do so in a charitable way.

James gives us two more examples to aid us in making decisions that call for action. He presents Job as a model of perseverance and Jesus because he is “compassionate and merciful”. So, let us not make compromises with the truth but act as Jesus would with those who propagate lies.

Resolve: I shall say some special prayers today for our bishops, that they incorporate in their teaching truth and compassion and that they be true shepherds to the sheep the Lord has entrusted to their care.