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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Oct 24, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

24 October 2023

Optional Memorial of Saint Anthony Mary Claret, bishop

In today’s Gospel Jesus likens himself to the master who will be greeted on his return from a joyous event by the servants he has left behind to do his work. So, the question is: What was Jesus like before he left?

Read the Gospels. Right up to the time of his ascension wasn’t he always “the man for others”? Didn’t he always go out of his way to favor those who needed help, to understand their plight, to describe their rewards? Didn’t he give us the parables of the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, the hidden treasure. Isn’t he like that now, especially in confession and the Holy Eucharist?  What will he be like for the faithful servants, for me when he returns?

That depends on me. Am I a faithful servant? What other ways can a servant be faithful than by putting into effect the plans, words and actions of his master? So, do I imitate Jesus in my fidelity to prayer, my interaction with others, my patience, faith and hope.

Each time I come to prayer, Jesus awaken the Holy Spirit within me to teach me to be more like him in order to be a faithful servant, a joyful companion to others and to be with him now and await the day when he will meet me face to face.

Resolve: Today is the feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret, a one-time bishop of Havana, Cuba. I shall join prayers with his for the people in Cuba who continue to suffer much, especially for the faith, and commend to the Lord the suffering Latin American refugees crowded together at our border.