It may seem unusual to celebrate as a feast day the conversion of anyone, in particular a Pharisaic Jew. But the celebration of St. Paul’s conversion from the Judaism of his birth to Christianity is not what is celebrated today: rather it is his conversion from a man full of pride to a man who was humble, a man who knew the Law to a man who came to know God through His Son.
When we look at the life of St. Paul we are right to be astounded. Looking at any map of his travels is enough to inspire awe in us who are used to traveling by car and jet: he had neither and yet traveled more miles than many of us have or will. His life is not only a testimony to Christ and the truth of our Catholic faith, but also of the power of conversion, of a life totally turned to Jesus.
Imagine your own life if it was entirely turned around to face, without even the slightest angle of the soul turned away, Jesus Christ. Imagine your heart fully focused on Him.
Imagine yourself, fully converted, and suddenly the life of St. Paul begins to make far more sense, because you will begin to see yourself doing the very same things.