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Christopher Ross S.J.Jun 25, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

25 June 2024

Tuesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

When a beautiful flower springs up between slabs of concrete, in a certain way its delightful appearance shines out more brilliantly than if we were to see it among the grassy fields. Due to the starkness of its surroundings, the unexpected glory can strike us more deeply as it seems to defy the threats of its circumstances.
In the first reading of today, we hear of the kingdom of Judah and its faithful king, Hezekiah, being threatened by the powerful empire blocks of the ancient world. From the worldly perspective of the Assyrian empire, the little kingdom of Judah was nothing and practically stood no chance of surviving. But, even with this imminent danger, king Hezekiah decided to pray and to trust in the saving power of the Lord rather than to appeal to the worldly power of armies and political allies. With the immensity of the pressure against him, the beauty of Hezekiah’s faith in the Lord shown gloriously like a dazzling flower amidst concrete; and the Lord listened to this prayer of trust, defended his chosen people, and shattered the power blocks of empires in those days.
Similarly, in the Gospel today, we hear how the road that leads to destruction is traveled by many, while the way of Christ Jesus that leads to life is trodden only by the few who find it. To be sure, Jesus is honest and admits that the reality of the world that surrounds the Christian can be stark and bleak. But once again the follower of the Lord is called to be like a flower amidst harsh circumstances. And this situation leaves the Christian with a certain kind of hope. Perhaps the unexpected glory of a Christian life lived faithfully can strike at the stony world surrounding it and move others to embark on the way of Christ Jesus that leads to the fulness of life.