Ignatian Reflections

25 May 2024

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | May 25, 2024 4:00:00 AM

Saturday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Jesus had a great liking for children and the Gospel of today’s mass gives one instance where he shows his admiration and tells his followers how they should be like them in their desire to attain the kingdom of heaven. So, let’s see how we should act to attain the same goal.

The child is simple. He doesn’t reason, he doesn’t argue. He simply has confidence his parent will give him whatever he wants. When I pray do I take on the same attitude? At home he is not distrustful or suspicious of anyone. All are a blessing. There is no excess of prudence in dealing with others. So, am I childlike in this manner?  Does it affect my prayer?

Observe him. Everything is new, capable of excitement, admiration, welcoming. How do I think others size me up when I meet them converse with them, avoid them? Does such an attitude or a lack of it have any bearing on my prayer? In short, if a childlike attitude were better cultivated would my prayer be better?

I’ll ask Jesus. He knows. He can tell me.

Resolve: The 1st reading gives us the only place in the New Testament where the sacrament of Extreme Unction is mentioned. It reminds me I should pray daily for the dying and the sick, asking that the Lord and their guardian angels to be with them in a special way. And I should pray for caretakers too. May their numbers increase.