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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Oct 26, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

26 October 2023


Thursday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

“Happy are they who hope in the Lord” is the response to the psalm in today’s Mass, “For the Lord watches over the way of the just”. Jesus lived out the truth of these sayings. Like the prophets in the Old Testament, he was seemingly a failure with his message of hope nailed on the cross along with him.

But no false accusation, no threat prevented him from putting his Father’s will into practice: offering hope of salvation and everlasting happiness for all. Such is also the job description of those chosen to complete his work today.

The basis for this way of acting is defined in the 1st reading; “the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus Our Lord”. That is why we can be hopeful in fulfilling our mission, in spite of setbacks and seeming failures. By prayers, conversation and actions we can collaborate with Christ in making him present in those we encounter each day, either physically or through our prayers.

The more we ask the Father in Jesus name to send us an abundance of the Holy Spirit in this matter, the better we understand our calling to be collaborators in Jesus’ mission today. This is so, despite disappointments, even failures.

Resolution: I shall pray today to our Heavenly Father in Jesus name, that he give me an abundance of the Holy Spirit to know better how I can bring hope to all those entrusted to me to bring closer to himself, especially those I meet today.