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Benjamin Jansen S.J.Aug 27, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

27 August 2024

Memorial of Saint Monica

The Gospel today is a continuation of yesterday’s passage in which Jesus takes issue with the Pharisee’s self-serving emphasis on superficial pomp, splendor, pride, riches, and honors. They have thus lost the necessary intentionality of desire for authentic, meaningful, interior relationship with God. Right worship of God is not accomplished through physical exterior acts alone. There has to be a proper spirit of intentionality that also desires a fullness of relationship in surrender to the love of God. 
This same temptation toward polemic extremes in the context of religious worship still exists today. Striking the right balance requires a proper understanding of human nature. We are not only our bodies and we are not only our souls. We have both a physical nature and a spiritual nature. Right worship of God is intended to engage both of these natures fully. 
This is why liturgy (when done well) engages all of the senses and is intended to cultivate an environment that elevates the soul to a place that it can contemplate and wonder at the fullness of the divine mysteries we celebrate. As such, a prerequisite for right worship that is pleasing to God is the authentic desire for loving relationship with God and others.