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Thomas Croteau S.J.Dec 28, 2024 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

28 December 2024

Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs

After Christmas, the Church also calls to mind the sacred memory of those infants who suffered at the hands of Herod after the birth of the Messiah. The Gospel of Matthew does not flinch from recording that terrible massacre ordered by Herod, nor does the Church neglect the memory, even though it be a very painful memory. The precious value of the life of each of those infants was completely neglected by that delirious king, but remains honored by Catholics year after year on this day.

How do we treat those like the Holy Innocents who suffer before they have a chance to escape? We give their memory the honor which the violent denied them. We ask for the grace to trust that God grants them love for eternity in place of the hatred they suffered in time. And we beg Christ to transform us more and more in his image so that not only in our hearts and homes, but in our country and world all may lay down their pride and wrath, and accept the peace which we need and which Christ has come to bring.