Ignatian Reflections

28 May 2024

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | May 28, 2024 4:00:00 AM

Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Since we belong to the Lord, we are called to share what is the Lord’s. The prophets saw that for Christ the Lord there were to be sufferings and glory. (1 Peter 1:11) St. Peter tells Jesus that he and the other apostles are sharing in Christ’s sacrifice of this world’s goods. (Mark 10:28) Just as they share in such sacrifice and sufferings and persecutions, so too Jesus promises that in this world they will know an abundant experience of the Father’s divine Providence which takes care of their needs, just as Jesus has. More than this, just as Christ the Lord will enter into heaven’s glory in His humanity, so too, those who belong to Him are promised a share in a life of glory in the world to come.

Today, even as we tell the Lord (like St. Peter did) about our experience of trials and sacrifice, let us also listen (like St. Peter did) to the Lord who tells us that we do not experience these alone, but with Him. Let us continue to listen to the Lord who promises us that He will take care of us in this life through all those difficulties. Finally, let us hear Jesus tell us how we still belong to Him, and how He has gone ahead of us to prepare our share in His eternal life. May we rejoice to share in all that is Christ’s, who calls us His own. Jesus may Your holiness live in us now, as we hope to live in You forever!