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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Oct 28, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

28 October 2023

Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles

Today we celebrate the feast of two apostles, two pillars of “the house of God”, the Church. The successor to an apostle today is the bishop. So, one consideration I can focus in on is my local bishop, also designated as the shepherd of the flock, reflecting his primary duty, which is to proclaim the Gospel to all.

No job description can be mere challenging. Pillars, if they are supportive of the structure as a whole, cannot have contrary forces working against them, and shepherds must have support and fidelity from their sheep they guide.

But bishops are also human beings and the words in today’s Entrance Antiphon – “These are the holy men, whom the Lord chose” – might not seem to apply to all. They are a reminder to us that the chief builder of “the house of God” has blueprints we may never see in this life. They can also convince us our faith is weak and why patience is the first and finest virtue of all.

Resolve: I shall ask the Holy Spirit today to bless all bishops, especially my local bishop, with the gifts enabling them to be strong pillars in the house of God and be gentle shepherds in fields where wolves lay in watch.