Ignatian Reflections

29 January 2025

Written by Michael Maher S.J. | Jan 29, 2025 5:00:00 AM

Wednesday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

Today’s gospel has often provided a means for me to explain what the purpose of a Jesuit education should be. The story of the Sower is well known. The Sower sows seeds that fall on various soils, some soils are rich and fertile, others are not. Jesuits were never content with the idea that bad soil needed to stay that way. They knew that seeds, an image for the grace of God, would break forth in greater abundance if it fell on good soil, which of course stood for the students under their care. So, the task of the Jesuits was to make sure that the soil, if it lacked, would be provided sufficient materials and a bit of hoeing to make that same soil more receptive to God’s grace. Ignatius was never content with what is but rather what could be and pushed every possibility that bad soil could be transformed into a receptive home all for the Greater honor and Glory of  God.