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William Manaker S.J.Jul 29, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

29 July 2023

Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus

Daily life brings with it many cares. In family life, we must attend to the needs of our spouse and children; in our work and ministry, we may have many responsibilities and obligations. These many cares can be a burden and a cause for great anxiety. In my work as a teacher, I sometimes found myself overwhelmed by all that needed to be done. Where can we find the peace we desire in the midst of so many demands?

One of the two options for today’s Gospel reading is the familiar story of Martha and Mary. Martha, welcoming the Lord Jesus into her home, feels burdened with much serving, and our Lord perceives her anxiety and worry. But when Martha complains to the Lord about her sister Mary’s seeming unhelpfulness, he does not rebuke Mary, but rather directs Martha’s attention to the one thing necessary: to keep her gaze fixed on him. In the person of Jesus, Martha can find rest and help, even in the midst of her many duties.

We too can consider how we respond to the cares and obligations before us. In the midst of our daily cares, do we keep our eyes fixed on Christ, making space for prayer and recollection, knowing that is the one thing necessary? Let us ask the Spirit for the grace and help to do so.