Ignatian Reflections

29 October 2023

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Oct 29, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The greatest commandment is simple in saying, but not so simple in the doing. In the end, we must turn to Christ not only to hear the summary of the law from His mouth, but to see how He fulfills the law in His deeds.

How does Christ love God the Father? He allows the Law of God to dwell in His heart, He meditated on it day and night so that today just as in the temptation in the desert, He brought forth the words of Scripture to confound the tempter and instruct the ignorant. He prays to the Father, daily, at times in deserted places or mountain tops. He makes time and chooses specific places to pour out His love to the Father in prayer. He leaves us the Sacrament of His Body and Blood to continue to show our love for God in the honor we show Him in the Eucharist. Above all, He obeys and fulfills the Father’s will, and so brings salvation to the world.

How does Christ love His neighbor? He looks for those neighbors who are especially in need, materially and spiritually. He feeds them. He heals them. He forgives them. He encourages and calls those whom others disdain. He does not love His neighbor by blithely agreeing with all that the neighbor says. When the Scribes and Pharisees wished to twist Scripture against Him, Our Lord showed His love in rebuking them. He never gave into vengeance, but in great patience proved His love for even His enemies.

May we beg Christ to teach our hearts these commandments and to give us the share of His grace that we need to fulfill them.