Ignatian Reflections

30 March 2024

Written by Jason Britsch, S.J. | Mar 30, 2024 4:00:00 AM

Holy Saturday At the Easter Vigil in the Holy

            Holy Saturday is a day of waiting. The world is quiet – God himself is resting in the tomb. And we have nothing to do but wait for him. Soon Easter will come, and so will the Resurrection. But it’s not here yet: we have to wait, at least for a little while.

            Can we accept this waiting? We can be so impatient sometimes, when we’re awaiting joy, or enduring trials; we often want to jump right to the end for the payoff. But there is virtue in the waiting, in the patient trust that everything is in God’s hands. At times, he simply invites us to wait with Him, to rest in Him. That is precisely what He is inviting us to on Holy Saturday, in this time of liminality between the cross and the Resurrection. Today, let’s pray for the grace to wait patiently, trusting that everything is in the Lord’s hands.