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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Jan 4, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

4 January 2024

Memorial of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious

One who wants to grow closer to the Lord should look for someone to help him do so. At lest that seems to be the message in today’s Gospel. Andrew and the unnamed disciple listened to what John the Baptist told them, and so they followed Jesus, who turned to them and said, “What are you looking for?”

Andrew then sought out his brother Peter. “Then he brought him to Jesus.”

Every Christian is responsible for bringing those in his life to Jesus. That is particularly true for us today, where 30% of the people in our country have no religious beliefs at all and that number grows by leaps and bounds. Why? One reason is our Catholic population, particularly the young, have no idea who Jesus and his message are for them

Every person has needs to defeat the particular anti-Christs in his life. Obviously, I cannot assist many in this effort, but there may be some that I can. So, the question is: Do I try? Do I pray for the persons that come into my life and, like Andrew, encourage them by prudent friendly words and actions to seek Christ, who waits for them?

Resolve:  I shall pray today to St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton, whose life was a model of how to aid others to find Christ or deepen their relationship with him, and I shall ask the Holy Spirit to let Christ speak through and act in me to bring others closer to him.