Ignatian Reflections

4 June 2023

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Jun 4, 2023 4:00:00 AM

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Today we celebrate the feast of the Trinity. What does that mean? It means acknowledging God is love. The Father, the creator of heaven and earth, who sent his son, Jesus, to save the world, and the Holy Spirit, who unites us to the Father and the Son. It further means each prayer should begin with the petition,

“Father, send me your Spirit to make me one with Jesus”.

All are created to be loved. Jesus came to save all, to open up to God’s love.  Therefore, I cannot be his collaborator, his apostle, if I do not love all in word and in deed. Since I know that is impossible for me to do, I’ll begin every prayer with an appeal to the Father to send me the Spirit to prevent me from making hateful judgments, and for the grace to see all men and women as Jesus sees them.

Every apostle is also given a mission, sent out in the name of Jesus. So, in my daily prayer, I should ask the Father to send me his Spirit to show me how I can bring Jesus to all about whom I think on a daily basis: for those who govern my nation, our parishes and schools; for those who have left the Church, seek the truth, live in despair, and for those He calls to be his apostles in our woke world today.

Resolve: In a spirit of gratitude, I should try to make a habit of praying daily to the Holy Spirit asking for the grace to know and explore the riches of the Trinity.