Ignatian Reflections

5 January 2024

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Jan 5, 2024 5:00:00 AM

Memorial of Saint John Neumann, Bishop

Today, we reflect on more of what we reflected upon in yesterday’s selection. Here, Jesus attracts Philip, seemingly a simple fellow, who with new-found enthusiasm seeks out the scholarly, Nathaniel, sitting under a fig tree. That is, reading and reflecting on scripture. Philip doesn’t convince him and so, he says something like, “Come and see for yourself. You have nothing to lose and perhaps much to gain.”

When he sees Nathaniel coming, Jesus sizes him up. Yes, he too would make a good follower, but he respects his freedom and doesn’t push. He lets Nathaniel decide. Today, like then, Jesus knows each one of us, our unique personalities, and how we can fit in becoming his collaborator in building the kingdom of God. What is essential is that each person thank God for who he is, place his confidence in Jesus and let him be the guide.

The essence of a vocation and vocations come not only once in a lifetime, but every day. Reflect at this time of the year on the evolving vocations during the lives of the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph and ask each of them to show you your special vocation at this time of your life.

Resolve: Today, the feast of the 19th century American bishop, St. John Neumann, is a fitting time for me to pray to Jesus for bishops throughout the world, especially in our own country. Their vocation is not an easy one. Bishops need the same graces given to Philip and Nathaniel to be the collaborators of Christ in building the Kingdom of God in our country today.