Today’s Gospel narrative presents a curious episode in which a number of people have been specially invited to take part in a great dinner but, ironically enough, seem not to value the opportunity. One by one, each finds an excuse not to attend, and none of these excuses seem particularly urgent. But, for whatever reason, they have made up their minds not to prioritize what seems like a very special offer to take part in a splendid event.
Here’s a thought experiment: how often do we think about going to Heaven? How often do we think about the infinite splendor that Christ invites us to share in? Is it something that we even think about at all? Do we look forward to Heaven as much as we look forward to other earthly events or activities? Is it something that we prioritize? The point where the rubber meets the road is this: when some facet of our lives conflicts with the invitation to eternity offered to us by Christ, will we prioritize relationship with Him? Or will we ultimately seek to excuse ourselves like those people in the Gospel?