Ignatian Reflections

6 August 2023

Written by Ulises Covarrubias S.J. | Aug 6, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

How do you make a good moment last in a world in which beauty, joy, and peace can often seem so fleeting? Just a taste of a good thing and already our mind begins to think of "always" "forever" "again". Perhaps this is what motivates Peter when he offers to make a tent for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah during this moment of the sublime beauty of the Transfiguration. Can we be in this moment, can we be in this good place forever?  We live these moments with the people we love, doing the things that we love. But we know all too well that it won't always be a sunny sky. Children leave, marriages become strained, friendships grow cold, our work goes unnoticed and underappreciated, we ourselves may feel forgotten. And we begin to doubt. Were those moments of beauty, joy and peace authentic and true? Were they worth anything? 

In the horror of the Passion and Crucifixion, Peter may well have had a heavy and confused heart, filled with these questions. It wasn't until his encounters with the Risen Lord that it all began to make sense and he was able to preach so eloquently about Jesus, as seen in today's second reading. When we find ourselves in desolation, let us not doubt the authenticity and truth of the beauty, joy and peace we once experienced. Our life journey, our current situation may not make sense to us at the moment. But we must trust that with Christ, the day will dawn and the morning star will rise in our hearts.