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Ignatian Reflections

Andrij Hlabse S.J.

Blog Post by Andrij Hlabse S.J.

1 min read

Palm Sunday: The King meek and humble of heart

Palm Sunday: The King meek and humble of heart April 13, 2014 | XXXI. Grace: To wonder at Jesus entrance into His kingly glory, that is His ...
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2 min read

The Resurrection: The King in Glory (Easter Sunday)

The Resurrection: The King in Glory (Easter Sunday) April 24, 2011 | XXXVIII. Grace: to be glad and rejoice intensely because of the great joy ...
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2 min read

In the Cenacle: the King of Love

In the Cenacle: the King of Love April 19, 2011 | XXXIII. Grace: To ask for a felt knowledge of Jesus’ desire to give Himself entirely to me, ...
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4 min read

Three Modes of Humility: Ranks in Christ’s Army

Three Modes of Humility: Ranks in Christ’s Army April 6, 2011 | XXII. Grace: To choose what is for God’s greater glory and the salvation of my ...
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2 min read

Nazareth: The Hidden King

Nazareth: The Hidden King April 1, 2011 | XIX. Grace: To know Christ more nearly, so as to follow Him more closely and love Him more deeply. ...
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2 min read

The Triple Colloquy: The Grace of Conversion

The Triple Colloquy: The Grace of Conversion March 22, 2011 | XI. Grace: A growing intense sorrow and, if God so wishes, even tears for my ...
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5 min read

Tepidity: Habitual Deviation from the Road

Tepidity: Habitual Deviation from the Road March 16, 2011 | VII. Grace: For light to see the disorder of tepidity in my life and to be ...
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4 min read

The Examination of Conscience – Daily Tool for the King’s Service

The Examination of Conscience – Daily Tool for the King’s Service March 11, 2011 | IV. “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those ...
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