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Ignatian Reflections

Chris Krall S.J.

Blog Post by Chris Krall S.J.

3 min read

2 October 2022

2 October 2022 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Maybe, we have faith all wrong. A common perception of faith is that it can be another ...
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4 min read

11 September 2022

11 September 2022 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our readings today present two contrasting perspectives of the mercy of God which we ...
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1 min read

21 May 2022

21 May 2022 Saturday of the Fifth Week of Easter How do we respond to failure? When things do not go according our plans or results do not meet ...
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1 min read

20 May 2022

20 May 2022 Friday of the Fifth Week of Easter Jesus invites us into friendship. However, what really is a friendship with God? Benedict the ...
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1 min read

19 May 2022

19 May 2022 Thursday of the Fifth Week of Easter It is not easy to be told what to do. Obedience is not considered a favorable disposition in ...
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1 min read

18 May 2022

18 May 2022 Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Easter FOMO = The “Fear Of Missing Out.” This is a common expression with younger generations ...
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1 min read

17 May 2022

17 May 2022 Tuesday of Fifth Week of Easter How much we desire peace! In the chaos of the world, in the business of our lives, in the ...
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1 min read

16 May 2022

16 May 2022 Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter How often do we idolize movie stars, models, athletes, musicians, authors, politicians, or even ...
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2 min read

15 May 2022

15 May 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter If these fifty days of Easter could be summarized into three themes they would be as follows: The growth of ...
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3 min read

13 March 2022

13 March 2022 Second Sunday of Lent What is Jesus trying to prove through the transfiguration? Why does he show Peter, James, and John this ...
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