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Ignatian Reflections

Chris Krall S.J.

Blog Post by Chris Krall S.J.

2 min read

24 November 2019

24 November 2019 The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Well, we made it. The Thirty-fourth or last week in Ordinary ...
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17 August 2019

17 August 2019 Saturday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time In the first reading from the book of Joshua today, Joshua, exhorts the people ...
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16 August 2019

16 August 2019 Friday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time It is not easy to be a disciple of Jesus Christ! Jesus is always pushing us to ...
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1 June 2019

1 June 2019 Memorial of Saint Justin, Martyr Being a Christian requires work. Learning about the the teachings of Christ, the history of the ...
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29 May 2019

29 May 2019 Wednesday of the Sixth Week of Easter What kind of God do we worship? Who is this God that we offer our praise, our reverence, our ...
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6 May 2018

6 May 2018 Sixth Sunday of Easter As we continue to rejoice in the joy of Easter, it is still vitally important to step back and to see who or ...
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29 October 2016

29 October 2016 Saturday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time “For to me life is Christ, and death is gain,” says St. Paul in his letter to ...
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27 August 2016

27 August 2016 Memorial of Saint Monica Did Monica see the talents of her son, Augustine, even when he was a boy and seemingly squandering his ...
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26 August 2016

26 August 2016 Friday of the Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time Foolishness. Both of the readings today focus on foolishness. Paul’s letter to ...
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21 August 2016

21 August 2016 Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time “They shall come and see my glory” Isaiah prophesies, “They shall come and see my glory.” ...
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