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Ignatian Reflections

Raymond Gawronski S.J.

Blog Post by Raymond Gawronski S.J.

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12 March 2016

12 March 2016 Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent “ prophet arises from Galilee.” (John 7:53) Jesus worked many signs among the people: ...
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11 March 2016

11 March 2016 Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent They “were trying to kill Him.” What strange words these are! And yet – are they really so ...
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10 March 2016

10 March 2016 Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent We rarely think of Moses. And yet he is one of the greatest figures in world history, and ...
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9 March 2016

9 March 2016 Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent “Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb?” At one ...
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8 March 2016

8 March 2016 Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent Thirty eight years is a long time to be sick. And not just to be sick – but to be lying at the ...
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7 March 2016

7 March 2016 Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent “Your son will live.” With these words, Jesus both describes what He sees will happen and we can ...
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6 March 2016

6 March 2016 Fourth Sunday of Lent Admitting we are wrong is an extremely difficult thing. Not only are we proud and unwilling to admit a ...
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9 January 2016

9 January 2016 Saturday after Epiphany The season of Epiphany is ending, and with it the Christmas season. The lights, the joyful gatherings, ...
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8 January 2016

8 January 2016 Friday after Epiphany Pope Benedict in his writings has sometimes pondered why people seem to have lost their interest in ...
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1 min read

7 January 2016

7 January 2016 Memorial of Saint Raymond of Penyafort The Christian understanding of “the world” is a complicated concept. The Christian is ...
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