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Ignatian Reflections

Richard Nichols S.J.

Blog Post by Richard Nichols S.J.

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30 August 2021

30 August 2021 Monday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time “Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in ...
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29 August 2021

29 August 2021 Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time A human being must have neither too many nor too few obligations. Having too many ...
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26 June 2021

26 June 2021 Saturday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time The appearance of God to Abraham before the oak of Mamre in Genesis 18 is ...
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25 June 2021

25 June 2021 Friday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time In many cultures, the first-born son tends to receive a greater share of attention, ...
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24 June 2021

24 June 2021 Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist For well over 1,500 years, the birthday of St. John the Baptist has been ...
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23 June 2021

23 June 2021 Wednesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time There are some lessons in life that are best learned early on. How to play a ...
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22 June 2021

22 June 2021 Optional Memorial of Saint Paulinus of Nola, bishop, Saint John Fisher, bishop and martyr and Saint Thomas More, martyr When it ...
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21 June 2021

21 June 2021 Memorial of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious St. Aloysius Gonzaga died on this date in 1591. He was 23-years old. He had been ...
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20 June 2021

20 June 2021 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time It is written in the book of Job that the sea was born, that it came forth from the womb (cf. Job ...
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17 April 2021

17 April 2021 Saturday of the Second Week of Easter In today’s gospel, Jesus performed two miracles. The disciples had been rowing for hours on ...
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