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Ignatian Reflections

Stefanus Hendrianto S.J.

Blog Post by Stefanus Hendrianto S.J.

2 min read

14 June 2020

14 June 2020 Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ This past weekend marked the first anniversary of my priestly ordination. In looking ...
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4 min read

11 April 2020

11 April 2020 Holy Saturday A few months ago, I con-celebrate a funeral mass of a gentleman who died from pancreatic cancer. I had known him ...
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5 min read

10 April 2020

10 April 2020 Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion My biological father died three weeks ago due to heart failure. To be true, I had a rocky ...
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4 min read

9 April 2020

9 April 2020 Holy Thursday In midst of coronavirus outbreak, practically every Catholic is trapped in their home. This phenomenon is not ...
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4 min read

8 April 2020

8 April 2020 Wednesday of Holy Week “Jesus knew that among the Twelve Apostles there was one who did not believe: Judas. Judas could have gone ...
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3 min read

7 April 2020

7 April 2020 Tuesday of Holy Week In Plato’s Phaedo, Socrates makes the astounding claim that philosophy is basically the preparation for ...
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7 April 2020

7 April 2020 Tuesday of Holy Week In Plato’s Phaedo, Socrates makes the astounding claim that philosophy is basically the preparation for ...
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6 April 2020

6 April 2020 Monday of Holy Week Lazarus Laughed is a play by Eugene O’Neill written in 1925. It portrays the Chief priests wanting to kill ...
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5 April 2020

5 April 2020 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion The Apocryphal Life of Adam and Eve is a book that recounts the lives of Adam and Eve from the ...
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1 February 2020

1 February 2020 Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time A controversial psychologist from the University of Toronto, Dr. Jordan Peterson, ...
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