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Ignatian Reflections

Stefanus Hendrianto S.J.

Blog Post by Stefanus Hendrianto S.J.

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19 January 2019

19 January 2019 Saturday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Recently, I made a retreat at the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson, Arizona, ...
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18 January 2019

18 January 2019 Friday of the First Week in Ordinary Time I grew up in a tropical country where Bamboo trees are a part of the culture. ...
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17 January 2019

17 January 2019 Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot Germs are everywhere –on door knobs, on cell phones, or on our iPads. We all want to stay ...
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16 January 2019

16 January 2019 Wednesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Nikita was an American television series based on the adaptation of the 1990 ...
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15 January 2019

15 January 2019 Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time The young Antonin Scalia attended Georgetown University as an undergraduate and ...
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14 January 2019

14 January 2019 Monday of the First Week in Ordinary Time The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an American drama film about a group of teenagers ...
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13 January 2019

13 January 2019 The Baptism of the Lord One of my former students once made an interesting remark about the Biblical or Christian narrative. ...
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17 November 2018

17 November 2018 Memorial of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious The episcopal motto of the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is the phrase from ...
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16 November 2018

16 November 2018 Friday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time Noah: The Eve of the Deluge, is a masterpiece of the British painter, John ...
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15 November 2018

15 November 2018 Thursday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time Amy Chua, who is John M. Duff, Jr. Professor of Law at Yale Law School, ...
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