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Ignatian Reflections

Trevor Rainwater S.J.

Blog Post by Trevor Rainwater S.J.

1 min read

25 April 2015

25 April 2015 Feast of Saint Mark, Evangelist While it may be daunting to be faced by the roaring lion (the Devil), a believer should gain ...
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24 April 2015

24 April 2015 Friday of the Third Week of Easter Everyone has a conversion at some point in his or her lives whether it occurs from a ...
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1 min read

23 April 2015

23 April 2015 Thursday of the Third Week of Easter Continuing in the Easter tradition, we hear of the Ethiopian eunuch who was so moved by ...
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1 min read

23 April 2015

23 April 2015 Thursday of the Third Week of Easter Continuing in the Easter tradition, we hear of the Ethiopian eunuch who was so moved by ...
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1 min read

22 April 2015

22 April 2015 Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter One of the beautiful traits of the Scripture is that while it exalts Jesus’ promises for ...
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1 min read

21 April 2015

21 April 2015 Tuesday of the Third Week of Easter Like many written works, how a character is introduced foreshadows the role that he or she ...
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< 1 min read

20 April 2015

20 April 2015 Monday of the Third Week of Easter One of the overarching themes of the Easter season is presented in this week’s readings, ...
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1 min read

19 April 2015

19 April 2015 Third Sunday of Easter Coming out of the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises, there is an excitement and joy that is hard to ...
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1 min read

21 February 2015

21 February 2015 Saturday after Ash Wednesday The reading from Isaiah continues from yesterday and serves as word of encouragement for the ...
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< 1 min read

20 February 2015

20 February 2015 Friday after Ash Wednesday Looking at this short Gospel reading (Matthew 9:14-15), we are presented with the two extremes: ...
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