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Ignatian Reflections

Trevor Rainwater S.J.

Blog Post by Trevor Rainwater S.J.

< 1 min read

10 June 2014

10 June 2014 Tuesday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time The widow that takes care of Elijah presents for us a light that shines so that all may ...
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9 June 2014

9 June 2014 Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time Entering back into Ordinary Time, we are greeted with one of the most famous Old ...
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8 June 2014

8 June 2014 Pentecost Sunday There is once again cause for rejoicing today as we say “Happy Birthday to the Church!” Today’s feast of Pentecost ...
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12 April 2014

12 April 2014 Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent Listening to first reading (Ezekiel 37:21-28), I cannot help but think of God as a mother hen, ...
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11 April 2014

11 April 2014 Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent Today, the Church commemorates the bishop and martyr, St. Stanislaus. Stanislaus, ordained the ...
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10 April 2014

10 April 2014 Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent By the time of Abram, the Israelites already have been given two previous commands or ...
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9 April 2014

9 April 2014 Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent Today in the first reading, we are confronted with an absolute story of trust from the ...
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8 April 2014

8 April 2014 Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent What is shocking in the first reading is after overcoming all the previous difficulties of ...
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7 April 2014

7 April 2014 Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent The first reading and the Gospel both display stories regarding sexuality and mercy. The first ...
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6 April 2014

6 April 2014 Fifth Sunday of Lent There is no denying the readings center on the theme of death and resurrection. The first reading is the ...
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