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Kevin Dyer S.J.Jul 22, 2013 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

22 July 2013

Memorial of St. Mary Magdalene

What do we see when we look straight ahead?

Yesterday’s gospel offered for our contemplation the contrasting figures of Martha and Mary: Martha, worried about many things, not least of all her sister’s disregard of her efforts; Mary, focused upon the one thing necessary, Jesus who is present in her midst.

Today we enter the garden with Mary Magdalene. The story of our fall began in a garden. Now, the story of our regeneration commences in another garden where Mary weeps at the tomb of Jesus. Lost in her grief, she does not recognize the mysterious figure who addresses her, thinking him to be the gardener. But he calls her by name-Mary!-and she turns in recognition to the one person who truly knows her.

What do we see when we look straight ahead at the one person who truly knows us. He is the one person from whom we can learn-Teacher!-the meaning of our own lives.

  July 22nd, 2013