Ignatian Reflections

23 July 2013 «

Written by Kevin Dyer S.J. | Jul 23, 2013 4:00:00 AM

23 July 2013

Tuesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

The waters part to let pass the children of Israel.  The waters would part once more when the people enter into the Promised Land. Elijah passed through parted waters before he was taken up into heaven on the chariot of flame. The waters of death could not engulf them. Rather they became through the grace of God the waters of life.

Jesus Himself went down into the waters at His baptism. He invited us to do the same at our baptism. The only death which these waters threaten is death to the power of sin within our souls and our communities. The life that they promise is entry into that land where we will dwell with God eternally. We pass through the waters of death to receive a homeland.

  July 23rd, 2013