Ignatian Reflections

30 July 2013 «

Written by Timothy Kieras S.J. | Jul 30, 2013 4:00:00 AM

30 July 2013

Tuesday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time 

 “The LORD used to speak to Moses face to face,

as one man speaks to another.”

One of the great obstacles in the spiritual life is the temptation to hold back from meeting with the Lord face to face. Quite often, we experience this temptation disguised as a good and pious attitude. We think to ourselves: I am not holy, I have many sins, many attachments, many imperfections – so I must wait before approaching God. Yet the truth is that, no matter how serious our sins, how troubling our imperfections, how powerful our psychological difficulties – nothing is going to help more than encountering God. After all, He created us – does He not know how to repair us?

The remedy for this temptation is to trust in God’s love and lay out before Him, “as one man speaks to another,” all our troubles, our problems, our mistakes. We will quickly discover that we had been foolish in waiting so long.

  July 30th, 2013