Ignatian Reflections

30 September 2013 «

Written by Timothy Kieras S.J. | Sep 30, 2013 4:00:00 AM

30 September 2013

Memorial of St. Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church

St. Jerome is most known for his translation of Sacred Scripture into Latin as well as his enthusiastic promotion of the monastic life. As a devoted man of faith, his life was dedicated to the service of the Lord. In his particular case, this meant turning away from his fascination with the pre-Christian literature of Rome and the rather secular pursuit of perfect Latin style. Yet after offering all of his gifts and talents to God and being inwardly ready never to use them for his own purposes again, the Lord chose him to carry out the great task of providing a more consistent and worthy translation of Sacred Scripture.

In our own lives, to the extent we are not bound by some obligation, we must be ready and willing to drop anything if it does not serve Christ the Lord, no matter how intrinsically dignified or valuable that may be.  This openness is a necessary step to letting one’s gifts and talents be used for the greater glory of God and the progress of the Church through the ages. Though we have offered everything to God, we might find, like St. Jerome, it thrust back upon us – now consecrated to God’s service alone. This will bring the peace the world cannot give.

  September 30th, 2013