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Vincent Giacabazi S.J.Oct 23, 2013 12:00:00 AM1 min read

23 October 2013

Optional Memorial of Saint John of Capistrano, O.F.M., Priest

Another gospel passage about preparedness for the coming of the Lord.  Don’t tune out yet, for there may be more to be gained from what the Church presents to us today in Luke’s gospel.

You and I are not eyewitnesses to the life and public ministry of Jesus of Nazareth; we’re not one of the Lord’s chosen band of twelve.  Yet, as followers of the Way of the Lord — as disciples today — we are called to an intimacy with Christ, to a closeness to Him, to profoundly personal encounters with the Risen One whose Spirit is still in our midst, inspiring our hearts to follow the Lord.

In this context, Peter’s comment makes sense, even to us today:

Lord, is this parable meant for us or for everyone?

As with Monday’s prayer, where we were invited to take an inventory of what we were storing up, of how we rich in what matters to God, let us look at the lines from Jesus from today’s Scripture:

Much will be required of the person entrusted with much,
and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.

Each of us is uniquely talented and gifted.  Each of us, as a temple of the Holy Spirit, companion of Jesus, and beloved son or daughter of the Father, offers glory to God, in our bodily actions each day, with the gifts and talents with which we have been blessed.

Have I ever prayerfully considered, with the Lord sitting beside me, what I’m good at?  Could I allow myself even a few minutes to admit, prayerfully, what those things are?

Lord, help me, without going anywhere near pride, to name and be grateful for the gifts and talents and abilities and ways of being in this world that you have given me, and really, only in this unique way to me.  Let my humility be filled with gratitude, and let my gratitude overflow into using these God-given gifts to spreading the Good News of Your saving power in this your kingdom.  In other words, let me be prepared, Lord, for your coming into the fullness of the reign of the Father.

  October 23rd, 2013