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Kevin Dyer S.J.Nov 30, 2013 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

30 November 2013

Feast of Saint Andrew, Apostle

Our liturgical year ends with the celebration of the feast of an apostle, St. Andrew. In a year which saw the election of Pope Francis, the celebration of an apostle’s feast seems appropriate since our Holy Father has put the call to evangelization at the heart of his own message to the Church.

In previous days Catholics could rely upon their institutions to carry on the message of the gospel and form the next generation of Catholics. But experience has taught us that institutions are not sufficient to the task if they allow individual Catholics to neglect their own responsibility to take ownership of their faith and spread it to others. Institutions make great vice-presidents, but awful commanders in chief.

As this year ends and a new year begins, let us all pray through the intercession of St. Andrew that we may be great apostles and evangelizers. Let the faith come alive in our hearts so that we may offer this gift of inestimable worth to others.

  November 30th, 2013