Ignatian Reflections

18 December 2013 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Dec 18, 2013 5:00:00 AM

18 December 2013

Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

In the first reading today Jeremiah describes in a most cryptic manner what the promised king will do. A message made more explicit in the Responsoral Psalm. That is, bring peace for the whole world – a task impossible for a human king. Only Jesus, God made man, can achieve such an undertaking, and that is why the foster father of the newborn messiah will name him Jesus, “Emmanuel”, “God is with us”. How wonderful is the role of Joseph in carrying out God’s plan for the human family.

Joseph, as we read in the Gospel, was invited to believe the impossible. His first reaction was to act toward Mary in a most admirable way: he refused to harm the reputation of the one he loved. God read his heart and gave him a key role in his plan to redeem the human race.

As Advent comes to a close we should turn to Joseph asking him to aid us in obtaining a heart totally free to do whatever God asks of us, to strip us from all tortuous, rationalizing excuses that make true peace and joy impossible. We should also pray for our nation, as she seems to turn away from God: “O Emmanuel, Savior, hope of every nation, come and save us!”

  December 18th, 2013