Ignatian Reflections

28 December 2013 «

Written by Vincent Giacabazi S.J. | Dec 28, 2013 5:00:00 AM

28 December 2013

Feast of the Holy Innocents

[Fourth Day of the Octave of Christmas]

Like a fireball bursting forth from a volcano, Herod’s rage erupted and overflowed into violent action.

He was king over his people, and these visiting emissaries, these magi from the East, had willfully deceived him in order to aid in sparing the life of the newborn Jesus and all through the assistance of divinely inspired dreams, also given to Joseph.

While this author is not one to necessarily lay heavy emphasis on dreams and their possible meanings, the larger picture might be that God is not limited to our waking, conscious activity throughout the day; in other words, God doesn’t stop working at seeking an ever-deeper relationship even when we do (or must, in sleep).  His activity is constant, his presence always near, especially in the incarnational Love of Jesus in the Spirit which we have inherited in our common baptism.

Not entirely setting aside the astounding horror of Herod’s massacring innocent children, let us spend a few minutes today, counting the blessings of Christmas Eve and Day.  How was God active and present to me, to others, throughout those most sacred days?  How have I behaved in a manner approaching Herod’s, that is, irrationally acting out (in fear, in anger, in confusion, in selfishness) rather than reflectively living in the gifts of the Holy Spirit?  Where is the Lord quietly beckoning me, as if in a dream, to deepen my relationship with Him this Christmas season?

The Lord has visited his people, and so we continue to say to one another: Merry Christmas!

  December 28th, 2013