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David Paternostro S.J.Jan 9, 2014 12:00:00 AM1 min read

9 January 2014

Thursday After Epiphany

The message that Jesus proclaims in Luke’s gospel today has always been a stirring one for me. Hearing this promise from Isaiah, and Jesus’ proclamation that “today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing” is a heartening statement. The problems of the world as it has been will pass away, and be replaced with the promises of the world as it ought to be. Liberty and salvation will come, and we will have a time “acceptable to the Lord.” But if I am honest with myself, my amazement is less like that of a true disciple, and more like that of the crowd in today’s reading.

If I truly were amazed and excited by what Jesus has said, I would be far more diligent in living my life so that I am worthy of this promise. Moreover, I would be far more diligent in helping my brothers and sisters in living their own lives so that they are worthy of this promise. John speaks in today’s first reading of how we must love our brothers and sisters in order to truly love God. How much do we love them if we are indifferent (or worse, entertained) when they choose to reject the promise that Jesus makes in today’s gospel. If we truly love God, we will take the promise He makes in today’s gospel seriously. If we truly love our brothers and sisters, we will do all we can to help them attain that promise, be it through prayer, support, or correction. Let us pray for that grace of true love today.

  January 9th, 2014