Ignatian Reflections

14 January 2014 «

Written by John Roselle S.J. | Jan 14, 2014 5:00:00 AM

14 January 2014

Tuesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time

Today Hannah gives us a model of vulnerable prayer.  Before God, she is “pouring out” her “deep sorrow and misery.”  After a period in my life that was especially painful, I recall a spiritual mentor asking me: “have you welcomed Jesus into your wounded-ness?”  I admitted that I had not.  However, I later opened myself up to God in that way.  Our Lord, the Divine Physician, is indeed knocking at door of our hearts.  As in the many paintings on this theme, there is no doorknob on the outside.  To receive a “house call” from this greatest of Doctors, we must open the door of our hearts from within.  What is the wounded-ness into which you need to welcome Christ?  As God “remembered” Hannah in her pain, so too does He seek to restore us.

  January 14th, 2014