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Kevin Dyer S.J.Feb 1, 2014 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

1 February 2014

Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

Jesus Quiets the Storm

How many times I have heard people say in spiritual direction that they had almost lost hope, that God had any concern for their affairs, that God would not bring any resolution to their problems, only to find resolution in an instant at the opportune time. Whenever this happens, a certain smile comes over their face, and they simply say, “Why did I ever doubt?”

It is easy to remember God’s faithfulness during the good times. But when the storm starts raging, we are all tempted to think that Jesus is asleep in the stern of the ship. St. Ignatius recommends that we develop a memory of God’s mercies, that we keep in mind our moments of consolation in order to weather the storm.

What are your moments of consolation? Where has God been present in your life? During moments of trial, bring these memories to mind and allow Jesus to say, “Quiet, be still.”

  February 1st, 2014