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Kevin Dyer S.J.Apr 5, 2014 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

5 April 2014

Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent

When Jesus first met Nicodemus, it was night. Darkness is the symbol of distance from God’s kingdom. Nicodemus wavered. Is this the one?

In today’s gospel he steps forward. He argues for fairness and due process in their dealings with Jesus. But he does not confess. He does not witness.

At the end of the gospel Nicodemus helps bury the body of Jesus. He is left with the question: will Jesus remain dead and buried in the tomb? Will Nicodemus return to the cover of dark? Or will new life spring forth? John presents us with the same question: will Jesus remain dead in the tomb of our heart or will his resurrection take root and spring forth in new life?

  April 5th, 2014